
Module Contents




Navigate to All Compute Profiles page


Navigate to Create Compute Profile page


Navigate to Edit Compute Profile page that basically does rename only


Navigate to list of Compute Resources for particular Compute Profile

class airgun.entities.computeprofile.ComputeProfileEntity(browser)
endpoint_path = /compute_profiles

Create new compute profile entity


Search for compute profile entity and return table row that contains that entity

rename(old_name, new_name)

Rename specific compute profile


Delete specific compute profile


List of compute resources that applied to specific compute profile

class airgun.entities.computeprofile.ShowAllComputeProfiles(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to All Compute Profiles page

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.computeprofile.AddNewComputeProfile(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Create Compute Profile page

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.computeprofile.RenameComputeProfile(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Edit Compute Profile page that basically does rename only


entity_name – name of the compute profile to be renamed

am_i_here(*args, **kwargs)

Describes if the navigation is already at the requested destination.

By default, airgun relies on view’s is_displayed property to determine whether navigation succeeded. If positional argument entity_name was passed and view has BreadCrumb widget, it will also ensure second location in breadcrumb is provided entity name.

This method may be overridden on specific entity’s NavigateStep level for more complex logic if needed.


whether navigator is at requested destination or not.

Return type


prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.computeprofile.ListComputeResources(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to list of Compute Resources for particular Compute Profile


entity_name – name of the compute profile to be listed

prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.