
Module Contents




Navigate to All Discovered hosts screen.


Navigate to Discovered Host details screen.


Navigate to Action page by selecting checkboxes for necessary discovered


AirGun's version of navmazing.NavigateStep with custom

class airgun.entities.discoveredhosts.DiscoveredHostsEntity(browser)
endpoint_path = /discovered_hosts

Wait for a host to be discovered providing the expected entity_name

Note: When no discovered host exists is in the system, the search box

does not exist in the DOM, and as we are waiting for a host to be discovered we have to ensure that the view became searchable.

:raise TimedOutError if the view will not became searchable in time :raise TimedOutError if the host is not discovered in time :returns the entity table row columns values


Search for ‘value’ and return discovery hosts values that match.


value (str) – filter text.


Delete discovered host with name entity_name

read(entity_name, widget_names=None)

Return a dict with properties of discovered host.

provision(entity_name, host_group, organization, location, quick=True, host_values=None)

Provision a discovered host with name entity_name.

  • entity_name (str) – The discovered host name.

  • host_group (str) – The hostgroup to select for the host provisioning.

  • organization (str) – The Organization to select for the host provisioning.

  • location (str) – the Location to select for host provisioning.

  • quick (bool) – Whether to proceed to provisioning with default values. If not a custom host edit dialog will appear to edit the custom values.

  • host_values (dict) – The custom host provisioning values to fill the custom host view that appear in case of not quick procedure.

apply_action(action_name, entities_list, values=None)

Apply action name for discovered hosts.

  • action_name (str) – The action name to apply, available: ‘Assign Location’, ‘Assign Organization’, ‘Auto Provision’, ‘Delete’, ‘Reboot’

  • entities_list (list str) – Discovered hosts name list.

  • values (dict) – The values to fill the action form dialog with.

class airgun.entities.discoveredhosts.ShowAllDiscoveredHosts(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to All Discovered hosts screen.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.discoveredhosts.ShowDiscoveredHostDetailsView(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Discovered Host details screen.

prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.discoveredhosts.DiscoveredHostsSelectAction(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Action page by selecting checkboxes for necessary discovered hosts and then clicking on the action name button in ‘Select Action’ dropdown.

  • action_name – the action name to select from dropdown button

  • entities_list – list of discovered hosts that need to apply action on.

prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.discoveredhosts.DiscoveredHostProvisionActionNavigation(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

AirGun’s version of navmazing.NavigateStep with custom implementations of navmazing.NavigateStep.am_i_here and navmazing.NavigateStep.go and ability to work with views.

prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.