
Module Contents




To ensure that we reached the destination, some targets need extra post navigation tasks


Navigate to Subscriptions main page


Navigate to 'Manage Manifest' dialog box on Subscriptions main page


Navigate to 'Delete Manifest Confirmation' dialog box on


Navigate to Add Subscriptions page


Navigate to Subscriptions' Details page

class airgun.entities.subscription.SubscriptionEntity(browser)
endpoint_path = /subscriptions
_wait_for_process_to_finish(name, has_manifest=False, timeout=600, ignore_error_messages=None)

Helper ensuring that task (upload / delete manifest / subscription) has finished. Run after action invoking task to leave Satellite in usable state. Currently waits for three events. Since page is written asynchronously, they can happen in any order. :param name: Name of running task :param has_manifest: Should manifest exist after task ended? :param timeout: Waiting timeout :param ignore_error_messages: A List of strings representing the error messages to ignore.

property has_manifest

Is there manifest present in current organization? :return: boolean value indicating whether manifest is present May be None if user can’t verify reliably if manifest is uploaded or not due to missing permissions

add_manifest(manifest_file, ignore_error_messages=None)

Upload manifest file :param manifest_file: Path to manifest file :param ignore_error_messages: List of error messages to ignore


Refresh manifest


Delete manifest from current organization


Read message displayed on ‘Confirm delete manifest’ dialog

add(entity_name, quantity=1)

Attach new subscriptions :param entity_name: Name of subscription to attach :param quantity: Number of subscriptions to attach


search for subscription


Filters column headers :param columns: dict mapping column name to boolean value :return: tuple of the name of the headers

provided_products(entity_name, virt_who=False)

Read list of all products provided by subscription. :param entity_name: Name of subscription :param virt_who: Whether this is a virt who client subscription. :return: List of strings with product names

content_products(entity_name, virt_who=False)

Read list of products provided by subscription for subscribed content hosts. :param entity_name: Name of subscription :param virt_who: Whether this is a virt who client subscription. :return: List of strings with product names (may be empty)

abstract update(entity_name, values)

Stub method provided for consistency with other Airgun entities. This operation was never implemented in Robottelo (no test requires it).


Remove subscription :param entity_name: Name of subscription

class airgun.entities.subscription.SubscriptionNavigationStep(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

To ensure that we reached the destination, some targets need extra post navigation tasks

post_navigate(_tries, *args, **kwargs)

Describes steps that takes place before any prerequisite after navigation takes place.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.subscription.SubscriptionList(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Subscriptions main page

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.subscription.ManageManifest(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to ‘Manage Manifest’ dialog box on Subscriptions main page

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.subscription.DeleteManifestConfirmation(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to ‘Delete Manifest Confirmation’ dialog box on Subscriptions main page Dialog box appearance is animated. wait_for ensures that we interact with content only after animation has finished

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.subscription.AddSubscription(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Add Subscriptions page

am_i_here(*args, **kwargs)

Describes if the navigation is already at the requested destination.

By default, airgun relies on view’s is_displayed property to determine whether navigation succeeded. If positional argument entity_name was passed and view has BreadCrumb widget, it will also ensure second location in breadcrumb is provided entity name.

This method may be overridden on specific entity’s NavigateStep level for more complex logic if needed.


whether navigator is at requested destination or not.

Return type


step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

class airgun.entities.subscription.SubscriptionDetails(obj, navigate_obj, logger=None)

Navigate to Subscriptions’ Details page

  • entity_name – name of Subscription

  • virt_who – Whether this is a virt who client subscription.

prerequisite(*args, **kwargs)

Describes a step that must be carried our prior to this one.

This often calls a previous navigate_to, often using one of the helpers, NavigateToSibling which will navigate to a given destination using the same object, or NavigateToAttribute which will navigate to a destination against an object describe by the attribute of the parent object.

This is a default and is generally overridden.

step(*args, **kwargs)

Describes the work to be done to get to the destination after the prequisite is met.

This is a default and is generally overridden.